Old 07-14-2010, 07:50 AM
Super Member
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Pine Grove, California
Posts: 2,816

I miss the summers and reading all morning in my p.j.s...

I miss playing house with my sister and my dog, Pansy...

And, I do miss those long lazy evenings when all the kids on the block would ride bikes up and down the street....

Oh, one more thing---my grandma lived in Illinois and we lived in California. I loved when she came to visit. She always wore purple from head to toe and had a twinkle in her eye. She always had projects for my sister and I to do--sewing, making bean mosaics, crocheting......and she LOVED to shop for fabric and always said the fabric in California was so much better than anything she could get at "home". She always took home a full suitcase (mostly purple, I might add--she didn't quilt but did make all of her clothes)
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