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Old 07-18-2010, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Luv Quilts and Cats
please don't ask people to censor their thoughts! Sometimes we have to rant, it's human.
we're not asking anybody to censor their thoughts. we wish they'd keep a lot of those thoughts to themselves.

i'm a world champion ranter. this is not the place for it.

it's appropriate to share verified/verifiable facts and public service information. example: somebody recently shared a frightening story which caused us to think twice before BBQing on a wooden deck. lots of us had to admit we'd never considered the dangers. negative story ... positive outcome.

ranting and raving poison the discourse. anger breeds anger.

step away from the keyboard and count to 10. (or ... if you have a temper like mine, count to 100, take a walk around the yard, do some laundry, and count to 100 again. :lol: )
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