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Old 07-02-2007, 01:19 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 9,103

morale support doesn't go into the "just" column. that's listed #1 in the "Yippee!!! Yahoo!!!" and "Couldn't Do This Without It" columns. :P

my biggest problem has been that i keep wandering off in tangents. i'll be almost to the point at which i can "package" one for presentation when somebody will say something that gives me an idea. then off i go in that direction to get it into the computer before i lose it. the patterns are turning into a herd of virtual PIGs and UFOs.

i'm looking for volunteers to test my patterns. all skill levels - but especially folks who consider themselves beginners. nothing irritates me more than a pattern that claims to be ideal for beginners that turns out to be a nightmare for experts.

i can't offer to pay money unless (i guess i should think more positively and say "until") i start making enough to share the wealth. the current offer is a free copy of all versions of the final pattern and full credit to the testers mentioned in the booklets. if you create one or more unique layouts different to the ones in the test pattern, i'll list you as holder of the copyright to those layouts. you can either use your own fabrics and color schemes or ask me to send what you need to make the top as i've colored it. whatever you make is - of course - yours to do keep, give, donate or sell. i'd just need an honest review of how easy or difficult the pattern was to follow and at least one good photo of the completed top or final quilt.

anybody interested?
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