Thread: MONO!!!!!
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Old 12-03-2010, 07:38 PM
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Originally Posted by amandasgramma
Originally Posted by Lynnejean
Mono is caused by the Epstein barr virus. Once you have the virus it stays in your system for life.

I have fibromyalgia/lupus and test positive for epstein barr virus but as far as I know I never had mono.

Take extra good care of yourself as you don't want this to turn into fibromyalgia because believe me fibro is misery like I can't explain.

healing hugs
Well, that's interesting. The doctor didn't mention that. I was diagnosed years ago with chronic fatigue and fibro. I'm not bothered by those symptoms since I quit ingesting MSG and Aspertame.
You can have such a mild case of Mono that you don't know you have/had it. Had mono when I was 18 - throat so sore and swollen I could hardly eat, and glands swollen all over my body. It was agonizing for a few weeks - and my Dr said I had a mild case! My daughter had it when she was 17 and played soccer. She was tired all the time, but didn't complain much of pain. The main thing to worry about with mono is liver/spleen enlargement. If they're enlarged, they can rupture and you can bleed to death. Luckily, since we didn't know that my daughter had mono until the end of soccer season, my daughters spleen and liver were not enlarged.

It was over a year before I felt like I had any energy.

Feel better.
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