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Old 01-02-2011, 09:58 AM
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Posts: 245

I think it is. I will look for my book today. I've been working on getting my new sewing room together so I have moved things around quite a bit. I still have to quilt this one. If it is that one you are talking about, you will have to take the class on this one. It is tough but with a good teacher you will do fine. Organization is a MUST on this quilt. To get you prepared for the class before you even go, here are a few tips.
1. have 6 gallon size baggies numbered 1 - 6
2. have your fabrics in each set labeled which number and group they belong
3. on a sheet of paper, write the numbers and color descriptions from the book and a swatch from your fabrics that you have assigned to each number/group
DON'T CUT ANYTHING until you go to the first class.
I hope this helps a little bit. I hope this is the same book you have. It comes in a zippy bag with templates and it has this star on the front cover.
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