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Old 01-05-2011, 12:26 PM
Dizzy Dolly
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 71

Originally Posted by Grandma Libby
Well, if anyone thinks they can have any luck contacting Wal-Mart and complaining because they have no fabric in the stores (hardly) any more, please do... I just spent 20 minutes on the phone trying to get through to the bunch! We have one store, about 15 miles away, where they do still carry the bolts of fabric but in our little town in Va., our local Wal-Mart has nothing! If JoAnn's ever leaves, we'll just have to rip up old clothes to make quilts!
HAHAHA I couldn`t help but snicker cause I have been saving childrens(grown) and grandchildrens bed lines ect ect in case if I cant sew they might as well send me to the funny farm!
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