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Old 03-02-2011, 03:00 PM
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Last year, my sister and I got my fabric downstairs all organized. However, I bought more, pulled more out of storage, and was given a bunch more. A few months ago, I brought down a bunch of it to get organized. However, I haven't found much time to do that. My dh is deployed, I have two young kids, I am a full-time middle school teacher, and I am currently taking 15 hours of graduate classes, so when I find a few minutes here and there to quilt, I hate using it to organize.

My kids are both home with the flu today and my mom is coming in a few hours to spend the next couple of days helping me out, so I have been cleaning. My mom is a neat person and she always gives me such grief about not being like her. She drives me nuts when she tries to organize for me, because it always comes with a lecture.

My mom was a stay-at-home mom, so she just doesn't understand how hard it is to juggle everything I do. She tells me to clean instead of quilt, but I quilt to de-stress. However, lately, the clutter is actually causing more stress.

I better get back to my laundry room and keep cleaning. Wah!
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