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Old 04-06-2011, 09:24 AM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

Originally Posted by Flying_V_Goddess
Photoshop Elements and regular Photoshop don't seem to have much difference between them except for the price tag. lol.
Yeah, but that is some $$difference$$. ;-)

If you do bid on a version of EQ6 , make sure you ask how many activations (lifetime max of 4*) have been used and if that particular license has already been upgraded to EQ7.

And make sure it's the standalone version of EQ6, not the upgrade version.

Both versions are really the same but the upgrade requires the serial number of the EQ5 version. I can't remember but I don't think EQ5 actually needed to be installed at the time of upgrade.

*This was a royal PITA with this version of the software, and EQ took a lot of flak for it. HD crashes, computer upgrades, etc. - 4 installs ain't that much. I went through 3 just through HD crashes and an laptop upgrade. Thankfully, they changed it for EQ7.
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