Thread: Gardening
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Old 05-11-2011, 03:30 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
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Thats why I am doing some container gardening, soil isn't as good as it should be, and the children They love to play around my yard.
I don't live in the low housing, a mobile home park, really isn't low housing. Would like to try the community gardening, I have a big back yard that would be ideal for it. But don't think(or not sure) others would be interested here. I would need help in taking care of it. so my container gardening is good for now.
Also like you said, does keep me active and young.

Kherrin, why don't you do some trades for ,I don't know, fabric, other plants, just stuff?

If you have a balcony, can you place pots on it? flowers or veggies? even the long flower pots? they shouldn't say something about that!

I plan to plant some green beans, okra, maybe some butter beans. enough for my consumption. and some cayenne, habaneroes, those peppers are experiments. So y'all have fun with yours, I plan to have fun with mine.!
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