Thread: help is needed
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Old 05-11-2011, 12:34 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

Here's a link to Sharon Schamber's video on basting:
There are two parts.

Are your plans to quilt it yourself? Hand or machine?
Is sending it out to a local longarmer an option?

You can always just have it basted by someone with a longarm machine - and then still quilt it yourself with whatever method you want.

If it's a log cabin, then it's really just blocks - it shouldn't be too hard to take it apart and do it in quarters as was suggested above? Or break it down into 3 strips?

There are many different methods for QAYG (Quilt As You Go) techniques to deal with this situation/problem.

I know many have quilted king-size quilt on regular domestic sewing machines. They must be very patient people. ;-)
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