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Old 05-24-2011, 07:25 AM
ggquilter's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: NE Ohio
Posts: 62

I like scrappy quilts so I am a bit biased in that direction, the more fabrics the better. I think the problem with the block is that the pink and blue on the bottom left are too close in value and scale, it makes that corner visually heavy. Contrast is important when making a block in which the pattern of the block shows up and contrast is not only color and value, consider also scale and density of the print. You did a good job of matching the intersections and I think it is a nice block and would make a very nice quilt. If you are going to make all the blocks with different fabric I would not worry too much about every block being perfect If all the blocks will be the same I would fix that one problem before making all the rest.
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