Old 05-24-2011, 12:29 PM
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Originally Posted by BobbiG
You get the kids together and explain that at such and such a time you are purging the house of OPS (Other People's Stuff.) No time extension for any reason. It it's important enough to save it's important enough to take. We solved the move back problem by moving to a Senior Mobile Home Community. Guests under 45 could only stay for 45 days per year.
I agree....it's not right for the parents to have to house your belongings. I am 35 and when I was 19 almost 20 and got married I moved all of my things. If I wanted it or not....it went with me. When my kids move out they better take it all because it won't be there when they come back.

We have been in a throw everything out mood lately anyway. I'm tired of having too much "stuff". You can't enjoy yourself if you are constantly having to move around junk. I hate it. We've lived at our house for 11 years now and with 5 kids we have TOO MUCH! We have gotten rid of at least 4 truck loads of "stuff". We have donated to everyone that we knew we could help and everything else went to the Salvation Army because they will take the toys and the clothes and whatever else.

We kind of have a rule that if we are giving it away and you want it then come and get it....we're not storing it. I just gave away a WORKING Maytag portable dishwasher the other day. My Uncle said he'd take it and he knew he better come and get it, so he did. It's not to be mean but if someone expects you to hold it for months then why did you need to get rid of it to begin with? The dishwasher works great. I've never had a problem with it and we've had it for almost 10 years. My Dad and his wife bought a house that had one built in and they had just bought a new portable so they gave me theirs.....so we passed it on to pay it forward. :)
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