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Old 08-01-2011, 08:57 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: northern California
Posts: 1,098

1) I want to post pictures but I can't figure it out! My 10 year old gd (who figured out & showed us how to use our i-phone navagating system) couldn't figure it out either. Tried to follow the directions, but......

Is there someone out there with a simple mind and a simple vocabulary who could provide steps for adding a picture????? It could/would be considered an act of mercy ;)

2) There was a topic regarding a "quilt house" for sale in Fremont. I live near there but was not able to find it again! Can anyone give me the way back to it?

I love this message board and the attitudes of you quilters!!!!

Thanx for your potential help.
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