Old 08-17-2011, 05:58 AM
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Location: Crowley, TX
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Originally Posted by Jan in VA
I pretty much quit for about 5 years after I closed my shop. I just couldn't make myself design or quilt; but I maintained my stash...

I'm grateful I did that because one day I woke up after the third move and made three baby quilts in a week. I was back in business!

Jan in VA
Jan, this sounds so much like me. I, too, had an
on-line quilt shop, and I was designing patterns for
a major fabric manufacturer. But when I closed the
shop and stopped designing professionally (6 years
ago, now) I hit a major slump. I continued to make
a few quilts for a while, but I think I have only made
3 or so in 6 years. This is from someone who sewed
every day and was constantly turning out quilts or had
one in the works.

For the last 2 years I have not completed even one quilt.
I would say that is a major slump. I wrote about all
this when I first joined the board, and I got many
replies. I tried some of them, and have even found
some new quilting friends, that I enjoy very much.
But even with all that, I just cannot seem to get over
this slump I'm in. When my friends come over to
sew, I help them, but I just can't seem to move forward

I am encouraged that so many of you have gone through
similar things and have come back around eventually.
I, too, considered selling everything and getting out all
together, but finally decided to reduce my stash, but
not get rid of all of it. To replace fabric at today's prices,
would be impossible. So, I'm hanging in there and
hoping that one day soon I, too, will walk in my sewing
room, get excited about a quilt, and be back in the groove.
Have a Blessed Day!
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