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Old 08-25-2011, 12:41 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Massachusetts / Vermont === Now in ==Green River Utah = Owner of GreenRiverKOA Campground
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Originally Posted by JUNEC
Just curious on how many of you hide your fabric purchases from your DH's?

We are retired & I really don't like going out myself, so I usually go with someone - mainly DH - who can for some reason -spend hours in any golf store - but not very good when he goes to a fabric store.

I find that purchasing fabric online is easier for me & great fun. However, I just started to organize a sewing room. I can't believe how much fabric I have found & refell in love with since taking it out of the plastic totes, refolding it and putting it on shelves - in my closet

However, that doesn't mean I have stop buying fabric. My challenge now is to beat my DH to the door when the mailman drops off the mail & hide my precious packages (to be opened at a later time) Sometimes, I feel like I am 13 again & trying to hide something I did wrong from my parents.

But there is nothing like the fabric high I get when I open a package that has been delivered from an online fabric store.

LOVE IT!!!!!!
I don't need to hide anything I buy, I buy what I want and like,when there is a sale he knows I will be right there to buy, he puts cash into my account to use ,he checks my account to see if I have enough in it, he also ask if I need more, He sometimes comes with me and picks out what he likes, he also ask if I have enough to make our grandchildren something , some times he will pick out some designs he likes for them, he bought me a new Bernina 440QE .. love it , He is a great support , I could not ask for a better person, Love you Honey and thank you for being my best ..
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