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Old 09-04-2011, 05:39 AM
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 98

Interesting the predominance of feminine names. I have all Swedish made Viking machines. My first was Rose - that was the model name and she was great to get me back into sewing again. She was traded for the model with more features - somehow, from the first moment, he became Olof and it still fits. I think there has always been a small pleasure that he always does just what I want him to do, lol. My machine that travels on get-aways and is a trusty mechanical model is now Mathilda, its previous name needed to be changed. And then my very creative embellisher/needle felting machine is Inga. My oldest machine, a 1930's Singer was a hand me done from my sister and has been retired , although she made many children's clothes, etc, with never a complaint.

Yes, it is a friend that sits with me as I sew, so to me a name is quite natural.
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