Thread: What to do????
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Old 10-21-2011, 06:01 AM
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Originally Posted by charity-crafter
I had a heart to heart talk with a young summer intern one year. It was so bad, she would come in to work looking like a street walker or she was going clubbing. High heels, skimpy skirts, revealing tops, makeup out the wazzoo. I was the only middle age woman working in the group and the rest were either younger or men who didn't want to confront her because she was a good looking girl they were afraid of sexual harrassment charges. They just ignored her, she'd be gone in 8 weeks anyway.

I grabbed her after the first week, pulled her into my office and explained that she was an attractive young woman but she needed to dress appropriately for work and nobody was going to tell her this fact. She proceeded to tell me I was just jealous of her looks, and I was old and fat. I just laughed at her and told her that becasue I was old and fat I could tell her the truth. I made a deal with her, the rest of the week-come in wearing jeans, t-shirt and tennis shoes like everyone else and see what happened.

At the end of her internship she thanked me for the advice because they started treating like a student and allowing her to learn things. Before they were afraid to be in a room with her alone.
had a few girls like that where I worked, but there was a written dress code in the co handbook and the CEO would walk the building each morning and have HR go out and tell someone they had to go home and change (clock out and then in again and lose pay!) to be at work. The poor dressing stopped after the first 2 times people where sent home. HR also had an iron and ironing board in her office because the CEO didint like to see people who dealt with the public all wrinkled either.
another place I worked they finally made us buy uniforms, granamalized, (think school uniforms - tan/black/skirts/dress pants then tan/black/yellow/burgandy/white/dk green polos) and posted a list every friday as to what we were to wear each day the following week. sharet
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