Thread: I need help....
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Old 12-02-2011, 05:49 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 17,722

I too tend to go to the Archive section. The threads are there in choronological order. Once I've looked at a thread, the colour changes, so I know I've been there done that! If I post, I get the update notices. If I don't post, but want to follow the thread, I subscribe to it, and then also get the update notices.

As to how to get more familiar .... I missed the first week, as I was working out of town, and no computer access. I was lost when I came on. Then I basically "forced" myself to get to it and stick at it. It didn't take all that long til I was finding my way around it with some comfort.

No, I'm not using all the features of the new board yet. Every once in awhile I stumble on something, or read a post that talks about a feature, then I have another trick picked up!

So yes, Patience is a Virtue and Practice Practice Practice, would be the best suggestions!
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