Thread: Pots and Pans
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Old 12-30-2011, 09:40 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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my pots and pans have been called heavyweight gauge and i never saw anything else. i just know that you should look for 18/10. that has to do with the proportion of steel to iron, i think. if the bottom is steel, then an inner core of something that gets very hot, then an outer shell of steel again, i THINK that's what you're supposed to be looking for. that core gets hot and the steel radiates the heat evenly for even cooking, or something. i think that's the only part that really needs to be heavy. all i know is that my mil cooked in junk and was a great cook and my mom cooked in better stuff and stunk as a cook. btw, you can cook acidic food in cast iron once it's seasoned well. as long as you never scrub the seasoning off the posts and pans you can cook anything in them. i always made spaghetti sauce in mine. just use hot, soapy water and a non-scratchy pad to clean the pots out right after you use them. don't let them soak in water or they'll rust. and dry them immediately. that way they last for generations. but your shoulders won't.
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