Old 01-01-2012, 10:44 AM
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 76

Originally Posted by pinkberrykay View Post
WHAT!!! No, let her use the quilt I want her to enjoy it. Play with it, cuddle up with it, go to sleep with it. If you really want a quilt for her that you cherish and not allow her to use I will make you another quilt, but don't take away the one I made "just for her".

This was the conversation I have with my sister after Christmas. Has anyone else else experienced a conversation like this?? I make these quilts to be used and loved, not put away in a hope chest never to be seen again for 40 years.

I wrote this some time ago and pften print this on the back of the quilts washing instructions It's called LOVE ME

Love me, because I was made to be loved
Let my fabric be a part of the fabric of your lives
Let me wrap you in my makers love
Let me snuggle you when you are cold
Let me comfort you when you are ill or upset
Let me be with you as you live your life
Don't curse the dog when he redecorates me with mud,
I want to love him too

I have my faults.
My stitches are not even.
I have ripples and not all my points meet.
Some bits are just plain wonky
But I will still keep you warm

Don't hide me away
Bless me with part of your life
100 years from now, I will be frayed,
Worn with stitches missing.
But I will have lived with you and seen life
Not been a prisoner of a dark space,
Never unfurled,
Never soaked up a tear,
Never shared a special day.

If my stitches break, they can be re-sewn
If my fabric frays or the dog chews me, I can be repaired
In the mean time, it'll add to my character.
If I get dirty, you can wash me.

And when I really am old, with stitches broken,
Threads frayed and unraveled,
Scared by life, like laughter lines on a wrinkled face,
People will still admire me,
As a quilt that has lived.

And when I really am old and frail,
You can coddle me and treat me with respect.
But now, I am young
And I want to live.

Rebecca Preen
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