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Old 01-04-2012, 06:19 AM
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Originally Posted by dixie_fried View Post
For those of you who have completed OBW's, can you tell me how you decided on final block placement and quilting design? Both are a few days out for me, but, I feel like if I don't have an idea of where this is might head to the UFO pile.
It's a challenge all right, but don't let yourself get discouraged during it.
You've got a masterpiece in the making!!!

When I did mine, I spent a lot of time looking at the pics in the book, and online to determine what I liked about the placements I saw. All the similar blocks together? in lines? spirals? sunbursts? types of kaleidos? And some had them just wherever they landed.

You've done the right thing, by getting them all up together. Then start moving them around. Take breaks and come back and see what you think. Take photos as you go, so if you scramble them up, you can come back to where you were. I found, looking at the smaller pic helped me see what stuck out like that sore thumb and needed to be changed.

I see a lot of similarities in yours to mine. Here's some links to help you see how mine changed along the way.

First round of placing the blocks, with a little frustration!

Getting serious on the placements … and getting more frustrated!!

Alas! together and hanging on my design wall

Tout Fini!!

It's a fun time, but don't panic or get frustrated!!
Take your time, and you'll be thrilled with the results.
You'll love seeing how it all comes together!!!!
And then you'll start planning your next one.

Last edited by QuiltE; 01-04-2012 at 06:38 AM.
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