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Old 01-07-2012, 06:58 AM
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Originally Posted by auntpiggylpn View Post
Why would you tell him???? Him being out of town is the perfect time to get it integrated into your stash and he will never be the wiser! It's like when I used to have a shoe obsession: I would purchase the shoes, leave the box at the store, put the bag into my trunk, wait until nobody was home and then bring the shoes in and put them in my closet. Nobody knew that they were new shoes except for me!!! Fortunately, I don't have to hide my purchases from my current better half!!
When I see a post like this I feel so blessed that in 52 years of marriage I have never been put in that position. I know there have been times when I wantonly spent money on something I had to have at the moment (even though I knew I shouldn't) but I have never been disenfranchised in my relationship.
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