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Old 08-25-2012, 06:10 PM
Ramona Byrd
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Default Using the Lutterioh System

Originally Posted by Ramona Byrd View Post
I got it in the 90s or maybe the late 80s. Seems to work well, but I'll admit that the only thing I made from it was a vest. That fit me better than any I've ever had before. Now I buy a pair of well fitting pants, plus another one to get matching fabric. Tear one up and make a matching vest. Still have the rest of it, intend to use it "one of these days". Maybe.
But the sicssors that I bought from this demo I've treasured every since, KAI brand. Best I've ever had.
This could have been written by me, word for word. I got the pattern for the vest by volunteering to have my
measurements taken by the salesman, and it does fit nicely. I also get two pairs of pants....sometimes I go back
and get another to take apart for a pattern, which tells you how much I've used that expensive pattern making system!

And I do agree that the sicssors I bought there were and are marvelous. I used to hide them from husband and kids, with threats of no more desserts if anyone at all touched them!!! Still working nicely, sharp and clean cutting. Worth every cent I paid for them, but as for the pattern making system, I haven't really given it a fair trial. But since I also got mine in the late 1980s.........maybe someday.
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