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Old 08-25-2012, 08:20 PM
Phyllis nm
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Albuquerque NM
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Originally Posted by ladybug45 View Post
I bought this system about a year ago. I have kinda narrow shoulders and a pretty big belly(think 7 mos pregnant). Ive made several shirts and pajama tops. They fit better than anything I've made before.
My problem even with clothes I buy is when I get it big enough to go around my belly it's too big in the shoulders.

I've been really happy with it even tho it was pretty expensive. I bought mine at a demo they had at my local Hancock store.
Ladybud45, my grandmother had your body shape and was short wasted. <o></o>
I used maternity patterns to make her clothes. It was only fair as she raised me and made my school clothes out of feed sacks for school. I also made her first pair of slacks, she was about 60 at the time.<o></o>
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