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Old 10-07-2012, 12:43 PM
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Location: Northwestern Ontario
Posts: 236

My son of 32 years passed away on January 30 of this year. Just a few short weeks before, my (his hometown) community had a benefit supper for him and his young family. I got everyone at the benefit to sign a long panel of muslin. I then constructed a quilt for him with the well wishes on it. I was able to give it to him just before he died and he enjoyed it a lot. He kept a sharpie at his bedside and asked all of the staff that came in contact with him to also sign it. After he passed many staff came into his room to say good bye. those who hadn't yet signed the quilt did so at that time. As we gathered up his belongings and prepared to leave him one of the nurses came to replace his quilt with another blanket. I could not bear to let him go without a piece of his mommy protecting him. That quilt followed him on his journey from his room to the morgue and the crematorium so I know that he is wrapped in a town's love forever. It gives me a lot of comfort to know that I could continue to protect him in death.
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