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Old 01-05-2013, 07:32 AM
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Location: Gloucester, Va
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Now Elisabrat , just calm down a minute girl. I only mentioned Jinny Beyer to give you an example of the kind of colors and blenders I like, I don't expect you to fall down the rabbit hole of debt to actual use them! But they are yummy, aren't they? Her studio is a couple hours north of me and someday I will make a pilgrimage to worship there. No, I hope you will be sensible (hah) and shop your stash for my quilt fabrics. The ones I am thinking of for your quilt are based on a set of FQ's I indulged in last year. But I just have never had a recipient who I thought was worthy of them , until now. You can alert your cat squad that good things are coming to lie on, but no claws please.
Will Melinda's limo have a minibar? Let's enroll her in a Quilters Protection Program, with secret location, a huge stash of fabric goodies and a butler.( he doesn't have to be cute, but he does have to cook well)
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