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Old 01-22-2013, 10:54 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Saint Cloud, Florida
Posts: 960

Didi, Tyler and Alberto were in West Palm racing and Hollie had flown to Texas so I had miss Hannah from Tuesday on. Did not realize how much work a 5 year old was. We also had to watch the grand-dog. I have two 2year old dogs and theirs is about 1 1/2 years old. My Tinkerbell had a sore leg and when they were running and playing she went down. We took her to vet yesterday and she has a blown knee. $4000 to fix. Now i will be doing a lot of research to see what other options we have because that is not feasable at this time. I do have to go. No scool yesterday or today so I have my darlings again. Seems like the kids ate breakfast and now are wanting their lunch. I swear, I cannot fill them up. This weekend I am claiming for myself so I can get done what I want. Later, Peggy
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