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Old 02-01-2013, 06:54 PM
Betty Ruth
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 397

Originally Posted by NanaCsews2
Are you talking about the spiral eye needles? If so, Pam Turner's website has a video on how to use the needle. Left hand side of the page, half way down.

When I bury threads, I use a larger eyed needle as I can't see the hole for nothin'. The needle is real thin and 1 7/8" long. Don't know the brand, and is not a hand-stitching needle.

On my last stitch, I do back stitch. I cut the threads leaving about 8" strands from top and bobbin threads. I just keep sewing and bury the threads when I have enough room to maneuver the quilt for burying the threads. I take the top thread and pull up slightly to bring the bottom thread through the quilt. With needle eye end, I pull the bottom thread to the top, then make a quilters knot close to the quilt. Pull up the threads together and snip the ends so they are even. Thread both threads. Next I put the needle through the hole made by both threads and make one stitch along the seam line. Guide the needle along the seam in the batting layer, bringing up the needle and thread along the seam line. Back stitch one and guide the needle through to the batting to the side of the seam line and go as far as the needle will go. The needle of course needs to come back up through the front of the quilt. Pull the threads a little taut and snip. But not too close to the fabric to prevent cutting into the fabric.

There are many tutorials online for burying threads in different ways. This is how I learned and it works for me.
What is a quilter's knot?
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