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Old 03-02-2013, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by OmaForFour View Post
WOW WOW WOW. Did she say how long it took her to complete?
Thank you all for your kinds words to both of us.

I started it in November 2009. My FIL had dementia and as he sat at at the kitchen table I did all the pattern tracing onto manila folder at the kitchen window. (I didn't have access to my mylar template plastic) He'd ask 4 or 5 times a day what I was doing, and I'd grin and say "I'm making a quilt, can't you tell"?

Then I sat with him at the kitchen table with my little board and iron and stapler and starch and prepped all the components and put each block into a baggie. He was still saying "what are you doing" and I was still giving the same answer.

On Thanksgiving day I put him in the hospital with acute renal failure, spent a week sleeping in his room, and when he came home it was with the medical moniker of home hospice patient. He had incredible sundowner's syndrome and a terrible time sleeping, he'd wake up every ten minutes and try to get out of bed, so there was nothing to do for it, but sit up all night with him.

Between Thanksgiving and his death in May 2012 I appliqued all the blocks and then for something more to do I created the sashing and appliqued the 30's hourglass on. The big yoyo's with the 30's insert inside only came to me once I got home and had my working wall to help me.

This is the only quilt I've ever made that if I live long enough I would like to do again in another colorway so I've kept all the applique templates against that day.

Long story, but it has helped me through the grief a little more, thank you for listening~

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