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Old 04-02-2013, 08:55 AM
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Originally Posted by sak658
I don't remember that part...I just remember sitting and watching her card the cotton...I should have ask her I guess...but she's gone now..I lost her in Feb 2004 at the age of 93...quilted all her adult life..and then I started quilting with later years...I have her featherweight ...and my wonderful memories...
Hey! I am not that old and I remember watching quilters card the cotton. In fact, when I was in high school Home Economics classes, we had to do that for one of our projects.

My daddy grew the cotton and we sometimes saved some of it for quilt batting (before it went to the gin). Does anyone remember the gins? Yes, the quilting was much closer then, and there were sometimes "stickers" in the cotton when the carding was insufficient. Little pieces of the boll might be left and show through white fabric. Quilts were heavy when they were wet in the wash, but they lasted. I still have five or six my grandmother and her sisters made stored somewhere... the story of my life! Storage, always storage... (sigh).
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