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Old 05-02-2013, 12:59 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Little Elm, TX
Posts: 46

Originally Posted by tropit View Post
My old, standard-size iron has been wearing out for some time now. The Teflon is now peeling, the tip has a dent in it and I'm never sure whether the temp is on HOT, or COLD. It's latest breakdown was the spray nozzle. I pressed the sprayer and POOOT...out shot the nozzle from the iron, soaring past the cat and landing clear across the room! (The cat's still not over it.)

So, off I went shopping and I found this cute, little iron at the bog-box, discount store that starts with a "W." It was only $6.97. Surely, this thing won't last a day, I thought. What a piece of carp! But I'm a cheap gambler, so I bought it anyway and set it up at my quilting table.

I've been using it a week now and I have to say, it's a pretty nice li'l iron. It's light weight, which I think is wonderful. I especially think so, after pressing a gazillion blocks that each have a multitude of seams. Ahhh...My arm is NOT falling off. The iron has a spray feature, (with a nozzle that is molded into the body, thank Gawd,) a steam feature that can be turned on and off, a Teflon coated plate, a clear, see-thru, water storage, plus, it's small, so it can get into those intricate seams and points...not to mention it could be a great travel buddy. Now, maybe it won't last as long as a Rowenta, but hey... just think of how many of these cheapy irons I could buy for the price of one fancy iron!

Anyway, check it out. It's the "Lightweight Iron," made by RIVAL.

~ Cindy
Does it shut off automatically? That safety feature is ok for "doing the ironing", but I do not like it when I'm piecing a quilt top.
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