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Old 05-13-2013, 11:06 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Norfolk, VA
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Had a great day, got up at 5 am after only going to sleep a little after 1am. Went to work from 7 to 7pm. During that time most of my kids, friends and family called or text me. My daughter invited me over for a surprise dinner; my son,his girl and her daughter were there as well. We had shrimp and beef k-bobs, corn on the cob and beans. She also made me a wonderful butter pecan cake with caramel icing, sooooo good. She got me a diamond necklace and earrings, kids made me a sculpture with their handprints on it and son got me wild flowers. My favorite flowers because they last so much longer. Didn't get home until1230am so another night of not sleeping and now working yet another 12 hour shift. I will so be sleeping tonight. It was a very good mothers day and a great day in general. Now, just to stay awake for today. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. My oldest son told me that the 500 he loaned me a few months ago was my mothers day present. When I told him no and that I was still going to pay him, he said I couldn't make him take it. I guess it'll be something I'll have to put in my will. He can't tell me no then, anyways and make it stick. Of course, then he'll know I won't need it anyways. I hope all had a fantastic day, mother or not. We women go thru a lot and so deserve a day just for that.
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