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Old 05-16-2013, 02:52 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 161

Originally Posted by granny64 View Post
Cut out 2 hexagons (front and back) of each flower part. Cut out a hexagon of batting. Put right sides of hexagon cloth pieces together, then the batting hexagon and pin. Mark a quarter inch line around the top hexagon and use this as your seam line. Hand stitch the seam leaving one side open for turning. Turn the flower part inside out and hand stitch the open side closed. Mark your hand quilting line on top and hand quilt the piece. When you have made one center hexagon and six hexagons to go around the center, hand stitch these together. Then make 12 hexagons to go around the six and hand stitch those to the six. You have your flower made. You then put the flowers together with hexagons made from a solid neutral color. I'm doing my flowers-middle is yellow, 6 hexagons a color with the 12 hexagons a coordinating color. I used prints in the six and twelve. I'm using muslin as my neutral to put the flowers together. Hope this is sufficient for you to understand what I'm doing.
Wish I had of thought of this before I started doing my hexies the English paper piecing way!
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