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Old 05-29-2013, 04:25 AM
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Originally Posted by kathyjg
I use glue sticks all of the time and I've had no problem but the sticks can be expensive. I read the other day where some of you buy the glue in the larger containers--if you do that, do you brush it on? I have been thinking about trying a brush as I have the mess sometimes even with the stick.
I just finished basting a quilt with Elmer's. I used it straight out of the bottle, letting each side dry overnight. It worked great, but I think next time I will use a little brush to smooth out some of the "lumps". It doesn't take a lot of glue and I was thrilled with the result - bye, bye pins! There was a discussion going on earlier this week about chevron quilts so I posted mine and didn't think to mention about the glue basting. Here's the quilt - it is the second one with the tall blue flowers in front.
The glue washed right out and you would never know I did it that way.
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