Old 06-04-2013, 03:08 PM
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Jenniky, I almost bought a new one I saw someone raving about on some quilting site, but read all the reviews and it seems to be they work great for sewing but not so much for quilting because they have to be returned to the base so often to keep hot.

I had one before, and I can't remember the brand, but I found that to be true. I thought it was just because I bought a cheap iron on eBay.

Originally Posted by Jenniky View Post
DD - I'm also glad you were close by your iron when it sparked. Good reminder for all of us to check our equipment cords and plugs. Even new items can have flaws that result in sparking or hot wires that can melt. Good news that their was no damage to your DP or pressing surface. Have fun with shopping for a new iron.. there are so many new and different featured irons available these days.. I keep telling myself some day I will treat my self to the cordless Iron I have seen used on many a quilting show.
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