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Old 08-01-2013, 08:47 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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As far as what kind of milk I prefer--it is whole milk.

If whole milk seems to be thicker it's because there is less water and more fat in it. FDA regulations for whole milk require it to be no less that 3.25 % fat. So whole milk is 96.75% fat free! FDA does not allow milk to be advertised as ***% fat free; lunch meats, chips, etc can be. Go figure. Let me also note there is no added water in milk. To reduce the fat levels, cream (milk fat) is removed.

This website gives some good information comparing nutritive values of different fat levels of milk. As you can see the biggest difference is the amount of fat in the each category.

Please note in the Mayo Clinic table on calcium needs the first number is amount needed and the second number is the upper limits once should take. For the average woman drink 1 c of milk, 2 1" cubes of cheese (1 oz per cube), and a cup of yogurt and you are all set! Let's not forget the ice cream for a treat--as that gives you about 85 mg of calcium.

Yes I support the consumption of milk for healthy bones and teeth. But I also was raised with the concept that a well balanced diet is just as important. Eat your vegetables and enjoy the fruits--especially with all the fresh ones this time of year. Add carbohydrates as whole grains. Meat, sea food, nuts, and beans are great sources of proteins--as well as milk products . Eating a balanced diet provides the ability for all nutrients to work together to give us a healthier body. Limit added sugars especially those in soft drinks and yes, fruit juices, too. Watch the amount of caffeine one consumes as well. And lastly drink plenty of water--just plain H2O.

On a dairy feed stuffs are analyzed for their nutritive value, then mixed together for a balanced, optimum diet. We make sure they get the nourishment they need to be healthy, productive animals. Ask a dairyman what is the most important food to give his/her cows and the answer will be water (not coffee, cola--plain water).

Thanks for listening to me--I'll get off my soapbox
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