Thread: May weight loss
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Old 05-26-2014, 06:57 AM
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Dropping food in the trash was one of the hardest things to do for me.
Probably a lot of us grew up with depression era parents and had the phrase drummed into our heads
"there are poor starving children in (insert where ever..moms was Ethiopia), clean your plate!"

It has only been in the last 10 years for the other shoe to drop, for me to realize what I eat or don't eat doesn't help starving children anywhere. If you won't keep it in the house, if family see you pitching it, they will have better regard for what they bring in or insist on. No need to explain or offer excuses, just pitch it.

Something that has helped me to not squirrel away candy is Caltrate in the zip lock container.
Each square is 600 mg of calcium. I keep it in a pretty bowl in my bathroom and have 2 or 3 in the course of the day.
They are quite satisfying for that sweet urge you can chew them for awhile , and my dr wants me to take at least 1500 mg a day so it is win win in my book.

I had spam for dinner last night and was up two pounds this morning. Amazing what salt can do.
I had 13000 steps on my fitbit yesterday because I got half of our huge lawn mowed. Cool! wish I could do that every day, it was about 5.5 miles
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