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Old 06-16-2014, 01:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Barb in Louisiana View Post
I hate to say it, but her stash is worse than mine and mine's pretty darn bad. I know how she feels. It is just overwhelming and she'd probably rather piece her way out than fold her way out.
Ok - I have to say I don't know if I have time enough to piece myself out of that stash.
Do what the others have said and just pick a spot or a color to start with. One word of advice, when I was putting mine on comic book boards I measured everything before wrapping. I had hole punched near one top corner and puchased (office supply store) merchandising tags - I wrote the yardage on it and then slipped the sting on so that it tied (don't know how to explain that part but think once you see the tags you can figure it out). That way when I take anything off it I can decrease the yardage so I will always know how much is there. It is great I can tell right off the bat if there is enough yardage for the pattern without having to unwrap only to find out I am a half yard short.

I also would suggest when you are somewhere they have comic book boards you grab some more. That is going to take more than a couple of packages - you will be surprised at how fast they go.
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