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Old 08-09-2014, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by earthwalker View Post
My comment Facebook is Wastebook, Get a Life was not meant with any malice, it is just a saying here in Australia, sometimes our sayings are lost in translation. I sincerely apologise if I offended anyone, but people who continually take photo's of themselves and tell you what they had for breakfast and what they do almost every minute of the day.

It is almost as bad as when you walk around or on public transport and see that almost everyone is hooked up to some gadget with earphones,(don't people have normal conversations anymore) I have an earphone attachement to my mobile phone (cell phone) I feel like I should use this but not attach it to anything so as I do not feel left out.

Many people have had serious accidents here when crossing roads etc as they are so obsessed with these gadgets they are not watching the traffic, one schoolgirl last year walked under a tram and was killed while texting.

So sorry if I upset anyone, now you can get back to your Facebook.

Aussie here......I echo your sentiments. Facebook/social media/internet are fabulous, fun and interesting ways to stay connected. I fear however, too many are spending far too much time and sharing far too much personal information for it to be healthy. As well as the accidents you mention, some are in danger of becoming socially crippled and emotionally stunted by this modern phenomena.
Carol Wilson,
thank you I appreciate the explanation in the possible lost in translation post, I now understand your meaning more than I did. Like earthwalker I am more concerned with the dangers of humans becoming even more socially crippled maybe we all need to understand that there is both personal contact and cyber contact and hopefully there is a balance, and social niceties and the value of human contact is not forgotten. I will admit to having little or no sympathy for those that lose their life because they don't pay attention to the surroundings. I like to think of it as Darwin's natural selection.
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