Thread: draw string bag
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Old 08-11-2014, 05:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Onebyone
Can't use plastic but can toss a bag after one use?
Well, the whole point is to discourage using disposable/single-use bags of any sort, and to stop the use of plastic bags in particular as much as possible. So they've put a restriction on both paper and plastic bags that are not designed to be used multiple times. This means that the paper bags at the grocery store are classified as "single use" bags and they are also included in the restriction.

In fact the only "single use" bags that will still be allowed is going to be paper bags. Stores can still give them out, but they have to charge a minimum per-bag fee. I think it's 15 cents per bag minimum, and stores can charge more if they want to (and some are already charging this or more, even though the law isn't in place yet).

Restaurants, I think, can still use plastic for to-go food, and I think thrift shops can re-use paper and plastic grocery bags without charging a fee as long as they were donated (used) bags and not newly purchased bags....there's some weird clauses to it and I don't know all the rules yet.

You can still bring in your OWN "single-use" plastic bags, or paper bags to reuse and that's fine. But most stores won't be able to give out or sell plastic bags anymore, unless it's a reinforced bag designed to be used multiple times. (A tote bag, in other words.)

It's all a little inconvenient but I think it's a good idea overall. I'm already in the habit of bringing reusable bags to the grocery store; I just have to remember now to bring them to the fabric store, the clothes store, etc. and make sure I have a good stash of bags in my car at all times!
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