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Old 08-24-2014, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Jan in VA
I am a certified hypnotherapist and began by working for Positive Changes, then a leader in the hypnosis for change industry. Weight loss was NOT my favorite part of the job, and honestly I didn't see lots of success in our clients. The process was a long term commitment, attending a session every week, along with group class session on nutrition, etc., and it was expensive.

I'm sure there are many programs available now, including one-time sessions, which you can find. Be sure to check out the successes before you buy into them to be sure your funds are being well used.

Weight loss is such a hard thing for most people because it is all too often a deep emotional issue rather than a will power issue. I wish you luck with your journey.

Jan in VA
Jan, you continue to amaze me with your talents! I studied EFT years ago and at one time thought to become a hypnotherapist...using primarily to resolve past life issues showing up in present. I then realized it's one thing to be able to surface those memories and quite another to know what the best psychological methodology to employ to "do no harm" to the client. Glad to see you worked for standards in the field, which is now almost totally unregulated.
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