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Old 10-20-2014, 03:41 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Mooresville, NC
Posts: 660

[QUOTE - I use to use pizza boxes too. But I like seeing thru clear plastic so I switched to paper crafting boxes.[/QUOTE]

I also use the paper crafting plastic boxes - the shallow ones - and also,use the deeper ones with handles for carrying, etc. wait for coupons at Michael's and JoAnn's for a good price or when they go,on sale for 50% or even more. Apparently I have now turned into a container-aholic - love them! The Container Store has fabulous ones of all sizes but can get pricey unless on sale. That store sends me into shivers of excitement!!! Good thing it's way down in Charlotte about 40 miles or so away.

Sandy in Mooresville, NC
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