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Old 12-13-2014, 06:28 PM
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Location: Central Texas
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We have always had dogs in our 50 year marriage. I know now that our pets were for us, not for our two boys, although they did love them. Three dogs back, we had Honi. She was a Japanese Akita...such a beautiful lady. She was super smart and was at my feet almost constantly. She left us at the age of 12 and i said I could not go through another loss like that one.

Two years later, a friend convinced my husband to adopt a Lhaso Apso she knew about and Melvin took over our lives.
He had been abused and took a while, but then learned to respond to anything we said. He just seem to understand everything and loved the car...went everywhere with us. His one problem was that he was allergic to EVERTHING.
We had him at the vet what seemed like almost daily. Melvin lived a wonderful life til o12. We still miss him and it has been six years. Melvin is my avatar.

Our house was so lonely. Six months later, we started our quest for another pet, knowing we would never find another Melvin. We had heard that the military were having to give up their pets to shelters when they left for the Far East so we went to Killeen TX (Fort Hood) to find our next family member. I told hubby I would consider any breed including a mixed one, but NO full blooded Poodle (bad experience many years ago). Can you guess what Lucee is? She is a black large toy poodle. She is smart, loves everyone and is attached to hubby at the hip. They have a mutual admiration
society going on! I love her dearly...can teach her anything as long as you reward her with treats. I would love to rescue another little dog, but hubby is a one dog at a time person.

Sorry this is so long...guess I was in a remembering mood.
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