Old 01-19-2015, 06:22 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: BC Canada
Posts: 400

First off Carol Doaks and Judy Niemeyer have completely DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES. If you are used to doing Carols technique then it will be a challenge to switch to Judy's technique. IMHO. Not that it can't be done. The secret to doing Judy's quilts is to BE ORGANIZED. In all of Judy's patterns she explains things step by step and there are also lots of videos to explain what you are having trouble with in the organizing. Someone said 2 heads are better than one and I agree it is easier to do one of Judy's quilts with someone else, but I think people are intiminated at first, but really THEY ARE NOT DIFFICULT. I do not work for Judy or any company, but really do like the results from Judy's patterns. I have done the Prarie Star and soon I will be starting the Cattails in the Meadows. I have the pattern cut now I just need to get my fabric. If you are having trouble with a quilt....do look on line for Judy's videos and usually you can find your answer. If not you can always come here and ask questions. Lots of people on the board have done these quilts and are willing to help.
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