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Old 02-18-2015, 06:36 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Posts: 374

When I started making things I was often very disappointed in the outcome. Interestingly, others were very pleased. I thought they were being kind, supportive, etc. Then I paid attention to how I responded when looking at what others had made/done as opposed to how they responded as being the maker(s). Epiphany! They, the see-ers, only had what went into their eyes and the emotions what I made evoked in them. I, the maker, had what I intended and what I saw as well as my emotions experienced while I made it.

What it all seems to boil down to is that if you made it and see it, you see how you intended it to look. If you made it and I see it, I see how it looks.

I hope that's clear. A rather long explanation of the old "eye of the beholder" saying.

The business about competitions is another thing altogether. Another thing I've noticed is that people have differing definitions for the concept of "winning" and everyone has varying "prizes."

One last thing while I am impersonating the font of everything. Sometimes the fix is worse than the problem. Guess how I know that one. :-)


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