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Old 02-25-2015, 09:27 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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My sewing room was a dream come true for all sewing folks about 8 years ago when we had it custom built and brought in on a roll-back from the Amish in Clark Range; 16x35, if I remember right, it is about 40' from my back/deck door. Sometimes I have to MAKE myself go out there to work alone, but going out there with someone, I can get tons of piecing/quilting/sewing done.

That many years down the road, when I do occasionally post a pic, you can see what an unorganized wreck I am; shelves along the two long walls, plus long arm in front of them on one wall, and three sewing machines, my serger, ironing board and narrow shelves on the other, with just a bare minimum of space for walking down the middle. My cutting table, more shelves on one end, and a bunk-bed (queen size) and bathroom on the other. But, like you all are saying, it works for me, and when I get crazy and clean, it looks and works beautifully.
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