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Old 04-03-2015, 09:32 AM
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This was an experiment - and I decided I wasn't going to get worried about lining everything up. After all while, just getting it all together was challenging enough LOL!!

I got to this point and decided I'd better take a picture for reference, or I'd never get it laid back out correctly. And it's a good thing as I had three blocks in teh center with the wrong color combination- so I'd have never figured out where they went LOL!! I didn't realize it until they were sewed in pairs and I was matching my picture (printed BW) and then had to go look at the color one and realized my mistake.

The completed block -

And the back side. There is more fabric in the seam allowances than on the face of the quilt.

This is one of the few blocks I starched after getting it finished. I pinned it to the ironing board as I was pressing to hold it flat - and when it was blocked out decent, starched it so it would stay that way.
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