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Old 01-24-2016, 06:11 AM
Geri B
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Originally Posted by Onebyone View Post
I remember when I applied for a PO job when I was 18. I had to take written tests that lasted all day which included memory tests. I passed but didn't get a call to work at the local post office. I was talking to the clerk at our local PO and was surprised to know she never had to take a test of any sort. She applied and got the job. Not saying she is not capable but what happened to testing to get the better employees?
Testing to judge ones mental abilities/capabilities for a job? My that would be called discrimination of some sort today! It seems as long as the body is breathing and warm, the job is a lot of the day to day positions...and maybe even higher up!

I have encountered a few situations recently that left me scratching my head......
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