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Old 08-25-2016, 02:24 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: May 2008
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It was not like we had "report cards" - it was just subtle differences in acknowledgement of an achievement -


You tried hard
Better luck next time
That turned out well
Very good

My Mom had been raised with criticism for "not doing something correctly" - but her Mom (my grandmother) never showed her "the right way" do do something - so Mom was very aware of how negative criticism could affect a person. If something could be done better/more easily - and she knew how to do it that way - she showed me how to do it.

Of course, I did have a few misadventures "on my own" - one time I tried baking brownies - got Mom's (abbreviated) recipe out - followed it exactly - only thing I did "wrong" - was that she doubled or tripled the recipe for the pan she always baked brownies in! Took a week to get those scorched brownies soaked off that pan!.
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