Old 09-17-2016, 05:32 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 140
Default Idea h

Originally Posted by rryder
For this week:

1. I want to clear off the horizontal surfaces in my art studio (that's where I dumped all the extraneous stuff from my sewing area last week). That will require putting away any things that actually have homes. Anything that doesn't have a home already will be assigned one, or will be put in a box to either sell, donate, or throw away.

2. Find a home for all the extra fibers and yarns that I currently have stored in plastic bags shoved into boxes on the floor of my sewing area, which is also the guest bedroom. Right now, they make it hard for people to actually get to the guest bed. I keep telling DH that it would be much easier if we just got rid of the guest bed and made people sleep on the couch downstairs, but he doesn't care for that idea .
If you sort bags into boxes and label them, they can be stacked neat and will take less room. Cover with a quilt and will look nice.

2nd try ok
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